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How to Clean a Gas Detector

gas detector in gloved hand

First Published by Industrial Scientific, March 13, 2020

Personal gas monitors are lifesaving instruments that must be worn in your breathing zone to be effective. OSHA defines the breathing zone as “a hemisphere forward of the shoulders within a radius of approximately six to nine inches,” so a collar, lapel, or outside breast pocket is usually a good option. This location also keeps the monitor visible so you can see alerts if your hearing is impaired while working in a high-noise environment.

Unfortunately, wearing a gas detector within six to nine inches of your nose and mouth means that whatever dirt, grime, or bacteria your monitor has picked up is now in your breathing zone.

If you need to clean your personal gas monitor, your first instinct might be to grab a disinfecting wipe, like you would for any other surface. This is a bad idea.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Regular Disinfectants

The precision sensors in your monitor are highly sensitive to many different chemicals, including alcohol and other disinfectants, so using them could prevent your monitor from alerting you to gas hazards. Additionally, alcohol-based cleaners will cause your monitor to go into alarm. If you zero the monitor too soon, the monitor will read falsely low, potentially putting you in unsafe conditions.

The rubber, plastics, and barriers in your monitor can also absorb the disinfectant chemicals. This is problematic because these are some of the same chemicals you may monitor. This effect does not last long, but the length of time you need to wait before zeroing varies, so the approach leaves plenty of room for error.

How to Clean a Gas Detector— Without Damaging It

For typical dirt and grime, we recommend wiping down your gas detector with a soap and water solution of 8 to 10 parts water to one part dish soap, like Dawn®. This cleans the monitor with less risk of damaging the sensors or putting you at risk of a malfunction. However, the soap and water approach cleans the monitor of everyday buildup—it does not necessarily kill bacteria or viruses that may exist on the surface.

To give your monitor a more serious cleaning, wipe down your monitor with a bleach and water solution of approximately 50 parts water to one part bleach recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC advises using 5 tablespoons of bleach per gallon of water or 4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water (approximately 20 milliliters per liter).

You can use this same method to sanitize a docking station, allowing it to dry completely before use.

For more information on general practices for disinfection, please refer to the CDC’s Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations.

No matter which cleaning method you use, be sure to dock the monitor or bump test it to be sure it’s working properly.

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Nine Technologies that will Transform the Fire Service

firefighter with Scott Safety SCBA

Smart technologies like artificial intelligence, mixed reality or autonomous vehicles are being deployed by first responders in ways hardly imagined even just a decade ago. As firefighters grow accustomed to current technologies, other innovations such as use of big data, biotelemetry, facial recognition software, 360 video and the leveraging of gaming technology are beginning to emerge.

The integration of these systems will help streamline everything from pre-planning to emergency mitigation to post incident analysis. However, adoption of this technology will depend on usability and intuitive interfaces that allow seamless integration into current operations. For example, applications such as Scott Connect Monitor automatically pulls air management data with very little effort from an incident commander and puts real-time responder information at the IC’s fingertips.

“Technology is only as good as its usability,” said Jerry Shanko, accountability and software product manager for Scott Safety. “Bells and whistles are great, but if it’s not intuitive and doesn’t solve problems, then firefighters are much less likely to adopt new technologies.”

Here’s a list of nine technologies that could potentially change the way firefighters do their jobs.

1) Advanced biotelemetry

In addition to heart rate, biotelemetry will provide knowledge of a firefighter’s lactate levels which will notify managers how hard interior crews are working. Coupled with current connected monitoring of personnel and integrated with air management, advanced biotelemetry will keep responders safer in the IDLH environment.

2) Artificial intelligence, or AI

Future AI will provide real-time traffic analytics for time “closest” dispatches, object recognition through computer vision and will warn interior crews of pending flash-over and backdraft environments created on physics based computational computing.

3) Virtual, mixed and augmented reality (VR/MxR/AR)

The focus is to provide citizen education, responder training and emergency response enhancement through these emerging platforms. Children will soon learn stop, drop and roll in virtual reality through haptic touch and digital scent. Responders will mitigate imagined and genuine emergencies with technology developed for the gaming industry, leveraged for real-time visual awareness in visually immersive environs.

4) Autonomous vehicles

On the ground and in the air programmable vehicles will transport first responders and equipment before, during and post incident and reduce human-error caused collisions. These wheeled and winged vehicles will also play an important role in collecting and delivering data to responders via GPS, remote sensing and 3D 360 degree imagery capabilities.

5) Computer vision, edge detection and object recognition

Several systems have been developed by public (NASA) and private groups that allow firefighters in-facepiece vision, providing digitized and contrasted edge detection, in addition to thermal imaging. These new systems allow onboard object recognition that will transmit warnings to unaware firefighters and advise of imminent collapse of floors and roof assemblies.

6) Facial recognition software

This type of software is already assisting law enforcement in protecting those they serve. In the future, fire and medical personal will use this form of computer vision to allow a responder to know an unconscious patient’s identity, next of kin, treatment permission and medical history.

7) 360 video

These cameras are being used below water, from the ground and in the sky and can educate citizens and responders in many aspects of fire and life safety. Via social media they already provide visual displays in real time that allow responders to intellectually understand active shooter, flood, fire and collapse scenes prior to arrival.

8) Big data and the Internet of Things (BD/IOT)

Responders will have advanced situational awareness systems that utilize various sets of data and along with multi sensor fusion and the IOT that will have lifesaving advantages, both for emergency personal and potential victims as well. BD/IOT will remain a focus area where network security is a known and essential subject in these developing platforms.

9) SMART Cities

These types of initiatives around the globe bring it all together by providing 3D/360 digital assets for fire prevention, response mitigation and investigations. The use of digital design has been a staple for decades and fire prevention bureaus will be part of a previously unimaginable set of target safety maps that will interface with responder’s phones, tablets, facepieces and augmented reality; akin to “Ironman” stylized safety systems.


This article was originally published at:

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The dangers of HCN exposure during fire overhaul

gas detector

From Industrial Scientific, August 2019

When firefighters attack a structure fire, the hazards to life and health are obvious. The flames, the roiling smoke, and the extreme heat are clear reminders that carelessness can lead to tragic consequences. Once the fire is extinguished, however, the operation transitions to the more routine phase of salvage and overhaul. At this point, first responders can be lulled into a false sense of security because the most serious hazard is now largely invisible—toxic gases in the environment.

Research has shown that these toxins linger at alarming levels well after the fire has been extinguished. But because most firefighters do not carry portable gas detectors, they’re probably unaware of the danger and may remove their SCBA mask and risk inhaling toxic fumes.

Fire smoke is a complex mix of toxins, and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) has emerged as one of the most common and dangerous. While carbon monoxide (CO) often gets the attention, HCN is commonly found alongside it, and together, they’re known as the “toxic twins.” Both are asphyxiants, meaning they interfere with the body’s ability to process oxygen. Individually they’re dangerous. Together, they’re even more deadly.

Historically, HCN was not a concern after a typical house fire. But as the use of synthetic materials began to replace natural materials in the construction industry, HCN has become more prevalent. When heated, these fibers and petroleum-based products emit HCN at levels unseen by earlier firefighters.

How Dangerous is HCN Gas Exposure?

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has determined that at 50 ppm, HCN can render someone unable to escape to safety, and thus is immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH). But even at much lower levels, the long-term health effects are a concern. At only 4.7 ppm, exposure should be limited to fifteen minutes per day.

After a fire, it’s not unusual for firefighters to experience headaches, sore throat, and nausea. Unfortunately, few firefighters connect these symptoms to inhaling toxic gases. According to the Centers for Disease Control, early symptoms of cyanide poisoning include lightheadedness, rapid breathing, nausea, vomiting, feeling of neck constriction and suffocation, confusion, restlessness, and anxiety.1

While a single exposure to high concentrations of HCN is concerning, it’s the repeated exposures over a lifetime of firefighting that pose long-term harm to the human body. Each exposure damages cells, and the heart, brain, and nervous system are especially prone to degradation. This is why it’s important for firefighters to monitor gas concentrations during overhaul.

When is it Safe to Remove my SCBA?

Considering the dangers posed by HCN and other toxic gasses, how do you know when it is safe to remove an SCBA?

One solution is to train firefighters to always wear SCBAs during overhaul. The problem with this approach is obvious: SCBA gear is hot and restrictive. When safety practices become onerous, no matter how well-intentioned, people tend to ignore them.

A better solution is to don SCBA gear when atmospheric conditions require it. This means carrying a portable gas detector which will alarm when HCN or other gases rise to hazardous levels.

At Industrial Scientific, our portable gas detectors are engineered for this kind of application. The Ventis® Pro5 Multi-Gas Monitor is ideal for monitoring HCN and other gases during overhaul because its custom notifications make safety instructions clear and easy. For example, you can configure the monitor to display “Wear SCBA” when HCN or other gases reach dangerous levels. This removes any doubt about how you should respond. Using the Ventis Pro5 to monitor gas concentrations during overhaul also means you only need one meter to monitor up to five gases. In addition to carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) sensors, fire departments typically use lower explosive limit (LEL), oxygen (O2), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) sensors. Industrial Scientific offers a wide selection of additional sensors, so you can choose the ones most relevant to the hazards your department will likely encounter.

Learn more online about Industrial Scientific’s full line of gas detection solutions for fire and emergency response teams.


This article was originally published at:

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10 Ways You Should Think About SCBA Comfort


You may think the comfort of an SCBA is subjective, but it’s really not. Here are 10 obvious—and not so obvious—ways firefighters should judge the comfort of their SCBA.

1. Realistic Movement

The SCBA feels nice on your back, right? When you tried it on in the training room, it felt good. When you did some light work during the evaluation, it didn’t feel bad, did it? Try donning the SCBA and make some actual fireground movements. Bend over and twist. Reach. Run. Judge comfort on the full range of motions, not just light work in a training room.

2. Air Delivery

An SCBA is meant to deliver air when you probably wouldn’t survive without it. Let that sink in for a moment. You probably wouldn’t survive without it. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a very uncomfortable situation. First thing I would think of when it comes to this issue of comfort is how comfortable I am with the delivery of that air. A sweatshirt is comfortable to wear. But will you still be comfortable when running into a smoky hallway with it on your back in place of an SCBA? No, you wouldn’t because you are shopping for an SCBA to deliver air to you in that hallway and a sweatshirt would not do that.

3. Notifications

Does your SCBA notify you if you have a debris-induced failure limiting your air? Maybe you got some material consistent with drywall filler inside your system that started to plug air flow through the reducer or plug the filter, possibly during a cylinder change when you were in a rush (not like anyone is ever in a rush doing a cylinder change on scene). What if I told you that my SCBA was likely the only one in the world with a complete backup pressure reducer which would take over in that situation, AND NOTIFY YOU that you were starting to have a problem with air flow? Is that comforting?

4. Automatic Mayday Signals

Imagine you and your crew were in a nasty fire and you were almost at the point where you felt trapped. Then the guy with the radio gets pinned and can’t reach his mayday button. Uncomfortable? Definitely! An SCBA should send an automatic mayday signal to the outside if you go motionless. Anyone can simply hit a button on their SCBA to alert the fireground of a possible or actual mayday, even without a radio. Does that make you feel just a little more comfortable as you approach that hallway?

5. Size and Durability of Components

During the evaluation of SCBA, what if I showed you the inside of my SCBA and the size/durability of the components? Would that make you feel comfortable smashing yourself through a small opening during a profile move?

6. Financial Comfort

What is the real cost of an SCBA? Notice the word cost and not price. Our SCBA might not be priced lower than everyone, but over the course of the life, it will cost you less to own. Does it make you feel comfortable knowing that you made a decision that the next 15 years’ worth of firefighters and officers will thank you for when their budgets get pinched even tighter? You may not care about budgets in your job, until they have to start cutting other resources you need to fulfill mandatory SCBA overhauls.

7. Unnecessary Mandatory Overhauls

Who wants to replace components just for the sake of replacing components? You have enough to worry about with your job, let alone worrying about whether you performed an overhaul to the SCBA. We design the SCBA to stand the test of time. We also have the finest technicians in the industry working on the best equipment, just in case something goes wrong. With simple testing procedures performed by a Scott certified technician every year, our SCBA just keep working.

8. Recertification of Technicians

Speaking of our technicians, isn’t it comforting to know how often they have to recertify with us? We audit them annually, we host annual service summits, they recertify regularly, and we are constantly making sure they are up to speed and staying best in class with proper tools and education.

9. Air Consumption

Have you ever stopped to think where the air is going when your low air warning device activates? How critical is that air? Would it make you comfortable knowing the air from the Vibralert is maintained inside of the facepiece rather than dumping directly into the ambient atmosphere? Our SCBA works efficiently so that you can work effectively… and safely might I add.

10. Extensive End-User Network

Would you feel comfortable knowing that the local fire organizations around you likely use Scott Safety SCBA? How about the national fire academies and the state/local fire training schools? Does their trust in Scott Safety make you feel comfortable?

I don’t know about you, but I find comfort knowing that our SCBA are reliable, trusted, durable, and easy to use. That’s what the U.S. fire service deserves and that’s what Scott Safety builds for you.


Find out more about Scott Safety Air-Pak X3 and Air-Pak X3 Pro.

Originally published at

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Simple Maintenance – The most important feature for fire department gas detectors

firefighters with hose

From Industrial Scientific, July 2019

As information on the hidden dangers of fire smoke proliferates, a growing number of firefighters are realizing that gas monitors are a vital part of their turnout gear. Atmospheric testing at fire scenes has shown toxic fumes at every stage of the fire, and without a portable gas detector, there is no sure way to determine whether the air in the cold zone is actually safe to breathe.

Acquiring the right gas detectors for your fire station is a double-edged sword, however. On the one hand, it’s an invaluable tool for atmospheric monitoring, but it’s also one more piece of equipment that needs regular maintenance. This leads to one of two unfortunate scenarios: to avoid the maintenance hassle, a department will neglect gas monitoring altogether, or it will make the purchase but fail to maintain the equipment. The latter choice can be catastrophic, resulting in a failed sensor that always reads zero, regardless of how much toxic gas is in the air.

The good news is that owning a gas monitor doesn’t have to be a high-maintenance relationship. There are systems currently on the market that offer simple, automated maintenance; so, when you’re looking to add gas monitoring capability, it’s important to look beyond price and warranty. You need more than a gas monitor, you need a system that offers simple and worry-free maintenance.

At Industrial Scientific, we’ve solved this gas detector maintenance problem with our DSX Docking Station. This docking station automatically performs maintenance tasks like bump testing and calibration that all gas detectors require. The station is compatible with several models of Industrial Scientific’s gas detectors, including the Ventis® MX4 and Ventis® Pro5.

How Does the Docking Station Work?

When you’re not using it, place the gas monitor on the DSX Docking Station. The station, which is plumbed to a cylinder of calibration gas, will automatically charge the gas monitor, bump test daily, and calibrate according to your company’s safety requirements. Bump test records and calibration certificates are stored digitally and can be accessed when needed. The station even tracks calibration gas levels and cylinder expiration dates and can order new cylinders automatically.

The docking station handles basic monitor diagnostics, as well. This is important because all sensor cells (the small cartridges that respond to the target gas) have a limited life expectancy. If the docking station detects a problem (e.g., the sensor cell’s sensitivity has dropped), it will order a replacement.

Another benefit is the docking station’s data logging capability. Each time it docks with a gas detector, The DSX Docking Station downloads data showing what gases the unit encountered and when, then stores it on the docking station, a local server, or in the cloud. This automated record keeping is invaluable when you need to see gas data from a previous response call.

Look Past the Sticker Price of Gas Monitors

Again, it’s important to look beyond the initial purchase price and warranty terms when choosing your next gas monitor. Examine the hidden costs in both dollars and manpower required to maintain the monitors. Since all portable gas monitors use sensors that can lose sensitivity, every gas detector requires the same kind maintenance: daily bump testing, regularly calibrating, and periodically replacing sensor cells.

The important questions are:

  • Who will handle the maintenance?
  • Can our team afford to spend time on gas monitor logistics?
  • When things get busy (and it’s always busy!), will the detector maintenance get done?

Unfortunately, some manufacturers will obscure the need for ongoing maintenance. Some even claim their product “requires no calibration.” But the laws of physics show no favoritism. All manmade devices require upkeep, especially precision instruments like gas detectors. Anyone serious about safety understands that faith in your equipment is based on testing and validation, not on promises made at the point of sale.

It’s not enough for your fire department to own a gas monitor. It must be reliable, accurate, and ready to go any hour of the day. Industrial Scientific’s gas monitors paired with a DSX Docking Station are engineered to make that possible— and simple.

If you’ve been holding off on adding gas detection to your fire response, now is the time. Read more about how Industrial Scientific is serving the gas detection needs of fire and emergency response teams around the world.


This article was originally published at:–the-most-important-feature-for-fire-department-gas-detectors/

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Could your EMS or Fire Response Team miss dangerous levels of carbon monoxide?

firefighter with gas detector

From Industrial Scientific, September 2019

An EMS team, dispatched from a major metropolitan fire department, rushes to a local hotel where they find a woman nauseated, weak, and unable to get out of bed. The evidence leads to a straightforward diagnosis: it’s flu season, it’s been a bad year for the bug, and the woman seems to have all the symptoms. Bingo. They load her onto a stretcher and transport her to the hospital.

Before the day is over, the fire station receives an alarming phone call from the hospital: the woman does not have the flu after all. Rather, it’s carbon monoxide poisoning. Immediately, firefighters are dispatched back to the hotel, this time to evacuate the building. Upon arrival, responders begin searching rooms, looking for those who might be incapacitated from breathing dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. Lawsuits soon follow.

If you’re interested in learning more about this tragic episode, talk to retired Fire Captain Joe Buckley. He served as a firefighter in the Pittsburgh area for twenty-five years, and having met fellow firefighters all over the nation, he’s heard this kind of story numerous times. Each story differs in the details, but the key facts remain the same —well-meaning but ill-equipped EMS personnel fail to recognize carbon monoxide poisoning because the symptoms are so similar to common afflictions like the flu or food poisoning.

Having retired from firefighting, Buckley now works for Industrial Scientific as a training specialist, teaching first responders how to use portable gas detectors. He believes, based on years of experience, that any EMS personnel entering a structure ought to be equipped with a portable carbon monoxide (CO) monitor. The detector is a critical diagnostic tool that helps first responders understand what’s really going on in their environment.

Consider the EMS team responding to the woman in the hotel. As can happen to any of us, they succumbed to tunnel vision. They were convinced the data was pointing to a compelling and simple conclusion: this woman has the flu. Imagine, though, if the team had been equipped with a compact CO detector. It would have alarmed as soon as the team entered the building, alerting them to dangerous levels of CO. They would have known immediately that everyone in the hotel was in danger and would have evacuated the building.

Carbon monoxide is an insidious toxin that seems tailor-made to fool the unsuspecting. It’s invisible and odorless, so it’s impossible to detect without specialized equipment. CO poisoning is easily mistaken for the flu because they share many of the same symptoms, including nausea, malaise, headache, and fatigue. And the risk of CO poisoning is greatest during the cold months of flu season. When temperatures drop, people fire up furnaces and kerosene heaters — both sources of CO leaks when defective or improperly ventilated.

Even worse, the remedy for the flu can be fatal if a person is actually suffering from CO poisoning. For the flu, it’s best to stay at home and rest. But if CO is present, immediate evacuation is the proper response. Tragically, it’s not uncommon for victims of CO poisoning to be sent back home to rest— right back to the toxic environment that sent them to the hospital in the first place.1

Here’s the good news. A firefighter doesn’t have to carry around bulky air-sampling equipment to monitor the environment inside a structure. Industrial Scientific’s handheld gas detectors are user-friendly and small enough to be worn as a standard part of a responder’s turnout gear. An audible alarm will sound when dangerous levels of CO are detected so there’s no question about what to do next.

These compact detectors are highly configurable and can monitor up to five gases simultaneously if desired. In addition to CO, a fire department might elect to install additional sensors to alert them to other common hazards such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and low levels of oxygen (O2).

With colder weather on the horizon, cases of the flu and CO poisoning will rise. This is the perfect time to explore Industrial Scientific’s full line of gas detection solutions for fire and emergency response teams.

1 “Carbon-Monoxide Poisoning can Mimic Flu Symptoms,” from Consumer Reports News: January 07, 2010.


This article was originally published at:

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Equipment Maintenance for Thermal Imagers

By Manfred Kihn
Regional Sales Manager – Emergency Responders (Canada), Thermal Imaging Trainer

Rechargeable batteries have a service life so it is very important that you replace these batteries on a schedule. Regular exercise will extend the life of the battery, but eventually they will need to be replaced. Be proactive and establish a plan for replacement.

battery pack

Based on your FD’s activity level, determine roughly how long a battery should last. Add that time to the date you placed the battery in service and write the future month and year on the battery. As part of your regular equipment checks, members can check the “expiration date.” The month before expiration, contact your Bullard TI distributor to order the new battery.

For example, a moderately busy fire department purchased an LDX and T4X in March 2018 (3-18). The department determines an 18-month replacement schedule is appropriate for them, and therefore writes “Sept 2019 (9-19)” on it. In August 2019, the department will contact its Bullard distributor to order the replacement battery. This approach is simple, obvious and part of a system, which makes it unlikely to fall through the cracks.

Based on average use by your department, determine how long a battery will normally last. Keep track of battery maintenance by identifying each battery with a “1 or 2” or “A or B” and once a month fully deplete the battery in the imager down to RED and replace it with the spare battery in the charger. This basic maintenance will help exercise the NiMH cells and extend their life cycle.

Another option is utilizing a PowerUp Charger, Analyzer, Conditioner which keeps your TI batteries at peak performance in conjunction with a regular inspection and maintenance process.

When it comes to care and maintenance, a thermal imager is not much different from a vehicle. You can ignore the simple things over time and pay for them several times over when there is a major failure. A few minutes, and few dollars, spent over time will help your department avoid large future expenses. For your TI to help you in a fire, you need to help it in the fire station. Give your TI a little regular care to keep batteries charged!

Also see: Powerhouse Charging Station which conveniently stores and charges your T3 or T4 Thermal Imager and a spare battery.

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Introducing the Air-Pak X3 Pro SCBA

Scott Safety logo


Scott Safety, now part of 3M, advances the proven, trusted performance of the Air-Pak X3 with the introduction of the Air-Pak X3 Pro, its most leading-edge SCBA to date. With a commitment to firefighter safety and a focus on the long-term effects of carcinogen exposure, Scott Safety engineered a product that enhances cleanability, comfort and connectivity, while providing compatibility with the upcoming NFPA 2018 standards.


The Air-Pak X3 Pro combines high-performance material selection with an easy-to-remove harness for cleaning, decontamination and serviceability. With minimal water absorption, the new harness assembly can be machine laundered to minimize contamination and reduce long-term carcinogen exposure. Because the gear can be laundered at the station, firefighters have fast and easy access to their equipment when they respond to the next call.

“As an industry leader, our role at Scott Safety is not only to provide the best equipment to protect first responders, but to do our part to protect their long-term health,” said Jeff Emery, global business unit leader, SCBA and fire solutions for Scott Safety. “We take that responsibility seriously and are committed to instituting change, not only for the firefighters of today, but for the firefighters of tomorrow.”

Scott Safety designed the Air-Pak X3 Pro to keep firefighters safe while providing a higher level of comfort. A new shoulder harness design improves the ease of donning the SCBA and minimizes pressure points to reduce user fatigue. A naturally articulating waist pad provides the user a greater range of motion, while transferring weight to the hips for a more balanced load. Superior breathability offers minimal breathing resistance to reduce user burden and improve operational efficiencies.

Offering enhanced electronics with Bluetooth® technology, the Air-Pak X3 Pro supports wireless connectivity for improved firefighter safety and fireground accountability. An electronic PAR feature allows incident command to reliably communicate with firefighters without creating additional radio traffic. Data downloading and configuration changes are made easier using a wireless connection to smartphones.

“Scott Safety is committed to product development that makes the firefighter’s job easier and safer,” said Jason Cannon, senior manager, NFPA air-supplied products for Scott Safety. “With a cleanable, comfortable and connected product, we are working toward minimizing harmful exposure to carcinogens and providing improved peace of mind.”

This commitment to cancer prevention also is reflected in the company’s planned cancer awareness and prevention initiative for 2018. Scott Safety has pledged to make $100,000 in charitable gifts to nonprofit organizations that share Scott’s mission for cancer prevention and work to protect the long-term health of firefighters. The program will launch January 1.

For information on Scott Safety’s latest innovations, please visit

About 3M | Scott Safety
Scott Safety, now part of 3M, is a premier manufacturer of innovative respiratory and personal protective equipment and safety devices for emergency services and first responders including firefighters, industrial workers, law enforcement, military, civil defense, national security and rescue teams around the world. With five global manufacturing locations, Scott products protect thousands of individuals each day from environmental hazards that are inherent in the industriesthey serve. The Scott product line includes self-contained breathing apparatus, supplied air and air-purifying respirators, gas detection instruments, thermal imaging cameras and firefighter locators. For information on Scott Safety’s latest innovations, please visit​.​