Air Management Systems

Air storage cylinders and racks are available in vertical and horizontal configurations for ASME and UN cylinders. Air Storage is essential in coping with unpredictable or peak filling requirements.

Air Storage

  • Cascade filling systems to optimize storage and filling capacity
  • Horizontal & Vertical racks available in configurations of 2-6
  • Can be integrated into a containment fill station or as a separate remote unit

Cascade Controls

Designed to optimize air storage and filling capacity, our cascade controls allow the operator to refill a depleted storage bank while simultaneously filling SCBA’s from a full storage bank.

  • Either integrated into a Containment Fill Station or remotely mounted
  • Containment Fill Station Auto-Cascade Control option
    • Reduces the potential for operator error
    • Simplifies and eases the filling operation
    • Automatically controls air storage consumption and replenishment

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