We offer Qualitative and Quantitative testing of respirator face fit:
- Qualitative testing is used to quickly determine the effectiveness of the face-to-respirator fit. An irritating aerosol is dispensed around the person wearing a reusable style respirator with high-efficiency filters (P100) installed while also wearing a hood over their head. The user is instructed to recite a written passage that allows the facial features to be distorted in all directions, while the tester sprays the aerosol through a small hole in the front of the hood. If the face-to-respirator seal is sufficient, there will be no irritating results. User passes with that style and size of respirator.
This service is available in and around the Halifax area only. - Quantitative testing is used to determine the quantity of particulates found inside a respirator compared to the amount of particulates outside of the respirator. This is performed by a qualified operator using a specially designed testing device. An adapter with a probe is inserted between the respirator fitting and the filter fitting. The probe is connected to the testing device and, while normal and heavy breathing is performed, the machine calculates the readings.
This service is available in New Brunswick and along the Trans Canada 104 Highway up to and including Port Hawkesbury, NS. It is available during service trips in those areas when the Scott Safety SCBA technician is doing flow testing and repairs.
All testing must be performed with a clean-shaven face (no interference between the respirator sealing area and the face), no stubble, and no “5-o’clock shadow.”
Please contact us for more information.
In addition to the above tests, the user should also perform a Quick Check every time he or she dons the respirator:
- User Quick Check. While the respirator is worn properly, the user places their hands over the inlets of the filters and breathes in to determine the seal, if the respirator “collapses” to the face, the seal is considered good enough to continue into their work environment. If the user feels like there is leakage around the edge, they should make adjustments to the respirator harness and retest. At the end of the work day, some men may have sufficient stubble to interfere with getting a good seal.