Combine this series with a kit from our universal series, one from our pipe plugger series, and our large leak models and your team will have the most complete, most versatile collection of emergency leak control devices the Haz-Mat Industry has ever seen.
Complete with tools (standard or non-sparking) and carrying case makes ease of handling and usage.
In its carrying case, Response Kit “C-2” contains:
- Complete set of 10 external pipe bandages covering nominal pipe sizes from 1/2″ to 4″
- Complete with standard or non-sparking tools
- Extra hard and soft neoprene rubber is included in this kit for extra help where you may need it.
- Carrying Case
Typical uses include:
- Water pipes
- Gas lines
- Air lines
- Fuel Transfer Pipes
- Chemical Transfer Lines
- Sewer Pipes
- All Low Pressure Lines from 1/2″ to 4″
- Unlimited uses in municipal departments, chemical plants, manufacturing facilities, hospitals, oil field, water and sewer treatment plants, etc., anywhere a pipe or line is used.
NOTE: The kit contains either the steel OR non-sparking tool pack. CAUTION: This kit is designed for use only by experienced and trained personnel only for temporary control until the container can be disposed of property. Proper protective clothing must be worn.